Sunday, March 13, 2011

The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty

via iPhone Download Blog by Cody on 3/12/11

It’s no secret that Verizon and AT&T are at war. They are constantly battling over the best network, and ultimately the most customers. Even though Verizon has generally had a larger customer base and better call quality, AT&T has generally had faster 3G speeds (depending on location) and of course the iPhone.

That all changed on February 11th of this year, when Verizon launched their version of the iPhone 4. But it seems snagging Apple’s popular smart phone wasn’t enough for Big Red. They took this wireless war to a tiny little battlefield called predictive text…

Read the rest of The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty

"The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty" is an article by iPhone Download Blog. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

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