Friday, March 4, 2011

Is Apple Planning to Release a 4G Enabled iPhone Sooner Than Expected?

via iPhone Download Blog by Jeff on 3/4/11

I think most of us ’round these parts expect the iPhone 5 to be the last triumphant hoorah on 3G networks, but some interesting noise has been coming from the east concerning the likelihood of a 4G enabled iPhone.

China Mobile Communications Corp.’s Chairman, Wang Jianzhou, spoke on the matter by stating that “Jobs has expressed his interest in an LTE iPhone and is willing to start the development at an early date.”

Now to put the puzzle pieces together. Does he mean “early” as in iPhone 5 early? Or “early” as in next year sometime?

Read the rest of Is Apple Planning to Release a 4G Enabled iPhone Sooner Than Expected?

"Is Apple Planning to Release a 4G Enabled iPhone Sooner Than Expected?" is an article by iPhone Download Blog. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

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