Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Supply issues estimated to drive cost of Apple's iPad 2 touchscreen up to $127

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Components for the touch display on the new iPad 2 are estimated to cost Apple $127 for each device, an increase of more than $30 from the first-generation iPad.

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Apple accepting donations as AT&T offers free calls to troubled Japan

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Apple is accepting Red Cross donations through iTunes, and customers of the AT&T network in the U.S. can call or text Japan for free until the end of March, following the deadly earthquake and tsunami that have caused major destruction and a still unknown number of casualties.

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Microsoft abandons Zune media players in defeat by Apple's iPod

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Microsoft's direct effort to challenge Apple's iPod, introduced in 2006 under the Zune brand, is being abandoned after a failure to gain traction in the market.

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Overwhelming iPad 2 demand continues, Apple's online orders now ship in 4-5 ...

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Apple on Tuesday was forced again to delay estimated shipping times for new iPad 2 orders, as those who buy must now wait four to five weeks for their order to be sent.

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X-ray of Apple's A5 CPU in iPad 2 confirms manufacturing by Samsung

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Though Apple is said to have just inked a deal with a rival chipmaker, the iPad 2 currently includes a custom-built A5 processor built by Samsung.

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Apple iTunes takes just 4% of US digital video market as Netflix dominates

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Netflix is the dominant player in America's digital streaming and downloadable video market, representing 61 percent of all viewings, while Apple's iTunes is in a three-way tie for third place with 4 percent.

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Apple delays launch of iPad 2 in Japan in wake of earthquake disaster

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Though Japan was originally scheduled to be one of a number of countries where the iPad 2 will launch next week, Apple announced on Wednesday that it has delayed the launch while the country works to recover from the recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.

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