Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Easiest Way to Get Free iPhone Ringtones Through Cydia

via iPhone Download Blog by Cody on 3/13/11

Custom ringtones have always been a popular subject when it comes to wireless phones, and the word free never hurts either. Now I know we’ve shared with you how to make your own iPhone ringtones, and other ways to set them , but they all require 3rd party applications.

For the longest time, I just left my ringtone on my iPhone as the default. I don’t have time to go through multi-step processes, just for some cool ringers. What if I just want a fast, easy way to download free ringtones to my iPhone 4, without the extra steps?

Enter Cydia, the jailbroken app store. What was once the only way to install applications on your iPhone, has evolved into a tinkerer’s dream. From icons and wallpapers, to hundreds of tweaks, Cydia is the place for iPhone customization. But what about ringtones? (...)
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