Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Supply issues estimated to drive cost of Apple's iPad 2 touchscreen up to $127

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Components for the touch display on the new iPad 2 are estimated to cost Apple $127 for each device, an increase of more than $30 from the first-generation iPad.

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Apple accepting donations as AT&T offers free calls to troubled Japan

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Apple is accepting Red Cross donations through iTunes, and customers of the AT&T network in the U.S. can call or text Japan for free until the end of March, following the deadly earthquake and tsunami that have caused major destruction and a still unknown number of casualties.

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Microsoft abandons Zune media players in defeat by Apple's iPod

via AppleInsider on 3/14/11

Microsoft's direct effort to challenge Apple's iPod, introduced in 2006 under the Zune brand, is being abandoned after a failure to gain traction in the market.

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Overwhelming iPad 2 demand continues, Apple's online orders now ship in 4-5 ...

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Apple on Tuesday was forced again to delay estimated shipping times for new iPad 2 orders, as those who buy must now wait four to five weeks for their order to be sent.

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X-ray of Apple's A5 CPU in iPad 2 confirms manufacturing by Samsung

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Though Apple is said to have just inked a deal with a rival chipmaker, the iPad 2 currently includes a custom-built A5 processor built by Samsung.

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Apple iTunes takes just 4% of US digital video market as Netflix dominates

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Netflix is the dominant player in America's digital streaming and downloadable video market, representing 61 percent of all viewings, while Apple's iTunes is in a three-way tie for third place with 4 percent.

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Apple delays launch of iPad 2 in Japan in wake of earthquake disaster

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Though Japan was originally scheduled to be one of a number of countries where the iPad 2 will launch next week, Apple announced on Wednesday that it has delayed the launch while the country works to recover from the recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.

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Inside Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: New WiFi Diagnostics tool

via AppleInsider on 3/15/11

Apple has added a new WiFi Diagnostics utility to monitor the performance of wireless networks, record events, capture raw network frames, and log diagnostic data that can be sent to Apple by users for troubleshooting.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fix iPhone Error 1013

via iPhone Download Blog by Sebastien on 3/12/11

Yesterday Tina decided it was time to update her iPhone firmware. It was probably the first software update she did since she got her iPhone 4, months ago. Because she doesn’t need or even care about a jailbreak, her iPhone is clean. No jailbreak.

I was watching South Park when I heard her voice from upstairs: “honey, I have a problem, it’s saying something about error 1013“. Damn you, iPhone, for disturbing me while watching disturbing TV shows!

I had had this error 1013 before so I was confident it would be a one-minute fix… (...)
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"Fix iPhone Error 1013" is an article by iPhone Download Blog. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty

via iPhone Download Blog by Cody on 3/12/11

It’s no secret that Verizon and AT&T are at war. They are constantly battling over the best network, and ultimately the most customers. Even though Verizon has generally had a larger customer base and better call quality, AT&T has generally had faster 3G speeds (depending on location) and of course the iPhone.

That all changed on February 11th of this year, when Verizon launched their version of the iPhone 4. But it seems snagging Apple’s popular smart phone wasn’t enough for Big Red. They took this wireless war to a tiny little battlefield called predictive text…

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"The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty" is an article by iPhone Download Blog. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.

The Easiest Way to Get Free iPhone Ringtones Through Cydia

via iPhone Download Blog by Cody on 3/13/11

Custom ringtones have always been a popular subject when it comes to wireless phones, and the word free never hurts either. Now I know we’ve shared with you how to make your own iPhone ringtones, and other ways to set them , but they all require 3rd party applications.

For the longest time, I just left my ringtone on my iPhone as the default. I don’t have time to go through multi-step processes, just for some cool ringers. What if I just want a fast, easy way to download free ringtones to my iPhone 4, without the extra steps?

Enter Cydia, the jailbroken app store. What was once the only way to install applications on your iPhone, has evolved into a tinkerer’s dream. From icons and wallpapers, to hundreds of tweaks, Cydia is the place for iPhone customization. But what about ringtones? (...)
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"The Easiest Way to Get Free iPhone Ringtones Through Cydia" is an article by iPhone Download Blog. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook.